Thursday, October 06, 2005


I've been doing a very simplified version of the yoga sun salutation twice a day for the past couple of years. I highly recommend it.

They say yoga's a great way to meet flexible women, but it hasn't worked out that way for me. Maybe because I only do it at home, alone?


Tim said...

Try more of the twists, etc that yoga offers. Check out and try out couple of poses that might interest you.

big mike said...

Thanx for the link.

I've been meaning to signup for some formal yoga classes. Maybe now that winter's almost here....

Anonymous said...

Just checking out blogs, and thought I would stop and read yours since we have some of the same interests and ideas. Some ideas are a little much and some are right on. I am glad I stopped by just to say hi I hope you don't mind. Some people consider it spam I DON'T but if they don't want people to post why do they leave it open for the world to see. I have some great yoga information and articles available for free around 2000 savings ideas so stop on in if you want... Thank you.kripalu yoga dynamic

kripalu yoga dynamic