Saturday, November 29, 2008

New blog home

I'm now blogging at

DC is quite a change from Bozeman. I miss the mountains, but I am really enjoying life in the "big" city.

Did you know that the 2008 Capitol Christmas tree was harvested in the Bitterroot National Forest?


Anonymous said...

So where do I go for Bozeman blog life

big mike said...

I don't know of any other Bozeman blogs doing quite what I tried to do here. That meas the field is wide-open for potential "place bloggers" in Bozeman...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for following up. I wish the best for you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for shairng.....

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Anonymous said...

Nice information to us good job.......

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RangerTx said...

Just honestly curious from Texas?
How is it that Montana-ians-ites actually have a Fascist Senator like Mac Baucas? Has Montana been invaded by Leftist/Stateist as Colorado?
Albany, Texas

Bozeman Realtor said...

Too bad you had to leave our beautiful area!! It's such a wonderful location and you're right, very different from DC. Good luck and be sure to visit!